■ 演出簡介
《木頭會說話》(One and Only)是台南人劇團首次專為兒童打造的現場演出,2016年由臺北兒童藝術節委託製作,於台大雅頌坊完成三十場現場演出,是一個以大型組合式手作木造裝置為核心,結合免費開放展覽、售票現場演出、互動工作坊的展演計畫。透過開放展覽、現場演出、藝術家導覽、互動工作坊,本演出提供不同的路徑,讓大小觀眾走進場,都能以不同的方式與木造裝置發生互動,並從不同面向體驗展演主題。
Commissioned by 2016 Taipei Children’s Art Festival, One and Only is a show made for children by Tainaner Ensemble the first time. It is a project based on a set of large-scale and hand-made wooden installation. It combines free open exhibition and live shows with interactive workshops. This show provides several paths for the audience to walk in, and this design not only makes them interact with the wooden installation in diverse forms but also gives the audience a chance to experience different aspects of the show.
Director Liao jo-han cooperated with actors Lin Hsiao-han, Chiang Mian-mian, Chang Yun-quin and Chang Ting-wei and produced this show. Ke Chih-hao is responsible for sound effect; music is designed by Lin Yu-te, and "Clockwork Noses" is responsible for experience design.
■ 演出團隊簡介
台南人劇團被台灣藝文媒體界譽為現代戲劇模範生,成立於1987 年,即將邁向三十週年,是南臺灣最具歷史與規模的專業戲劇團體。在現任藝術總監呂柏伸的帶領下,推動「西方經典台語翻譯演出」、「莎士比亞不插電」、「春天戲水」等演出計劃,展現劇場的高度創意與實踐精神,同時也積極引介當代台灣年輕劇作家的作品。劇團作品的最主要特色就是以創新實驗的手法,高度展現舞台表演的「劇場性」,開啟觀眾看戲時的想像力與創造力,希望為觀眾提供新穎獨特的觀戲經驗。除演出製作外,台南人更投注心力進行戲劇教育的推廣工作,除了不定期為社區民眾舉辦戲劇體驗工作坊外,更於每年夏天開辦「演員夏日學校」,提供臺灣演員進修充電的管道。自1999年起創辦的「青年劇場培訓計劃」,提供對渴望學習表演的朋友接觸戲劇的機會。此外,本團亦發行國內第一本深度的劇場演出評 論刊物《劇場事》,希冀能記錄此時此刻台灣劇場的發展軌跡。
Tainaner Ensemble is regarded as the role model in Taiwan modern theatre. Established in 1987, it is a professional troupe with the biggest size and longest history in southern part of Taiwan.
Led by the current art director, Lu Bo-shen, it continually develops different series, such as "Western Classics Translation Series" and "Unplug Shakespeare Series", and introduces the works of modern-day dramatists in Taiwan.
As a vigorous troupe in contemporary society, it is dedicated to create high-quality productions and always amazes the audience with innovative and experimental approaches.
In addition, it is dedicated to theatre education. For example, sometimes it holds theatre workshops for community. It opens actor school every summer. It began a youth theatre education program in 1999, and published Taiwan first professional periodical for theatrical comments named Theatre Matters.
■ 演出資訊
■ 演出資訊洽詢