
“An Evening With Sarah Brightman”

■ 演出簡介

莎拉‧布萊曼 2017 臺南藝術節 開幕演出

天籟美聲 絢麗視覺  府城獻聲

月光女神──莎拉‧布萊曼將於3/11首度於「臺南藝術節」獻聲,將邁入第6屆的臺南藝術節即將於3月至5月帶來各項精采節目,今年首次邀請到月光女神──莎拉‧布萊曼於臺南市立體育場熱情開唱,為臺南藝術節揭開序幕。本次臺南藝術節的演出,莎拉‧布萊曼表示將會以世界巡迴演唱會的規格搭配絢麗奪目的視覺效果,原汁原味呈現給臺南,並且讓所有人再度感受一場天然純淨的美聲饗宴,勢必會在臺南藝術節掀起一股美聲旋風及滿座觀眾的支持,「月光女神 莎拉˙布萊曼 2017 臺南藝術節 演出」將於3/11(六) 晚上19:30於臺南市立體育場初登場。


---Global Recording Artist, Music Icon, Actress, Humanitarian---

International singing superstar, Sarah Brightman is the world's biggest selling Soprano. She pioneered the classical crossover music movement and is famed for possessing a vocal range of over 3 octaves. Sarah is the only artist to have simultaneously topped the Billboard dance and classical music charts. Her voice has rung out from theatres, arenas, cathedrals, world heritage centers and Olympic stadiums, bringing to life some of the world's most beautiful music.

Sarah’s work transcends any specific musical genre, synthesizing many influences and inspirations into a unique sound and vision. Today, she remains among the world’s most prominent performers, with global sales of 30 million units having received more than 180 gold and platinum awards in over 40 countries. 

■ 演出團隊簡介

指揮: 保羅‧貝特曼Paul Bateman

伴奏: 長榮交響樂團

國際美聲天后,月光女神莎拉.布萊曼擁有天籟般的美好歌喉及超越三個高八度的歌唱音域,《公主徹夜未眠》(Nessun Dorma)、《斯卡伯勒集市》(Scarborough Fair)、《歌劇魅影》(Phantom of the Opera)、《告別時刻》(Time to Say Goodbye)等經典美聲傳唱世界各地。她是全球唱片銷量最佳的女高音歌手,也是唯一一位曾同時獲得美國告示牌排行榜舞曲與古典音樂榜冠軍的歌手。


■ 演出資訊


■ 演出資訊洽詢

洽詢人員: 王小姐
Facebook:寬宏藝術 Kuang Hong Arts