
The Well

【演出簡介 Introduction】
雞屎藤舞蹈劇場 劇場實力演員林子恆


Fevervine Dance Theatre × actor LIN Tzu-heng

Sekikanki by Nishikawa Mitsuru × The Water Station by Ota Shogo

A dark end to a dynasty

Inspired by Dajingtou, an important historical landmark in Tainan, The Well is a combined adaptation of Sekikanki by prominent Japanese writer Nishikawa Mitsuru of the Taiwanese colonial period and The Water Station by Japanese theatre guru Ota Shogo. The former novel paints a turbulent portrait of the Kingdom of Formosa on the grand Fort Provintia, while the latter play is a silent and yet powerful visual poem. Being set in different periods, both works reflect upon how human nature is shaped and expose during times of war. Near sources of water begin the traces of life, war and cities.


【演出團隊 Artists】

雞屎藤舞蹈劇場 Fevervine Dance Theatre




‘We’re Fevervine Dance Theatre and we tell you stories of Tainan!’

“Fevervine” is a plant native to Taiwan that is used to treat stomach pains. As the name “Fevervine” implies, our works are close to the daily lives of ordinary people and aim to discover the traditions, the customs and the collective memories of the Taiwanese in order to construct an aesthetic of dance and theatre that conveys the Taiwanese characters and culture. In recent years, instead of theatres, we often perform in public places such as heritage sites, squares in front the temples and galleries. We have established our distinctive style that enchants audience of all ages.

Creative advisor: HSU Wei-ying