
Hear The House

【演出簡介 Introduction】


親密偶戲《吉光片羽》 × 地方講座








Intimate puppet show ‘Treasured Fragment’ × Lecture


We have visited six cities in Taiwan, searching for historical buildings in various towns and documenting the natural and the cultural landscape around them. Stories and memories are infused into a shadow puppet show of an old granny.

Inspired by everyday life—the food, clothing, housing, transport, education and leisure—we invite a number of experts in related fields to share their lived experiences and viewpoints. In these old houses, we reconnect with different times and spaces of today...


【演出團隊 Artists】

飛人集社劇團 Flying Group Theatre

成立於 2004 年。團名「飛人」取諧音「非人=偶」,同時意指在劇場行走各處、自由飛行的藝術創作者集合之所。 草創初期以「偶」為主要創作形式,多次獲台新藝術獎提名,並受邀於各大藝術節演出。2010 年起由戲劇講師 /創作者傅裕惠擔任藝術總監,剪紙詩人夏夏為核心團員,以多元複合的精神,創作小規模、挑戰傳統觀賞距離的表演藝術作品。除了現代偶戲,也廣邀各領域創作者發表新作。


Flying Group Theatre was established in May 2004. Early on, puppetry was the focus of their creative expression. To date, the company has received numerous nominations by the Taishin Arts Award and has taken part in many international art festivals. Flying Group Theatre produces performances presented in multimedia that take place in intimate spaces, challenging the conventionally accepted distance between the performers and the audience