
Taiwan Expression

【演出簡介 Introduction】












| 演出曲目 |


★ 原住民樂曲序曲:馬卡道狂想曲

★ 臺南作曲家精選:安平追想曲、 鑼聲若響、關仔嶺之戀、暗淡的月

★ 向鄧雨賢致敬:四月雨小提琴協奏曲 -- 小提琴獨奏:顏毓恒

★ 南臺灣歌謠:思想起、草螟弄雞公、駛犁歌、 一隻鳥仔嘋噈噈

★ 臺灣電影音樂:桂花巷、玫瑰香、1945情書、無樂不作

★ 近代創作音樂:李哲藝『絃舞一』



【演出團隊 Artists】


臺灣高雄人,自從事音樂工作以來,作曲作品約近2,000首,各類編曲作品近5,000首,音樂劇、舞劇、舞台劇、各類跨界劇場、兒童劇、電影電視廣告配樂及音樂劇場作品上百部;自開始其職業演奏生涯以來,累積演出經歷逾2,000場次以上;曾為上百個國內外專業表演團體作曲、編曲及配樂;也曾在數十個國際藝術節表演;唱片及其他影音出版品數量約90張,作品曾二十九次入圍金曲獎,並獲得第23及27屆金曲奬最佳作曲人及最佳創作獎,2015年獲香港舞蹈年獎最佳年度舞蹈音樂獎,兩次獲『中國十大發燒唱片』最佳古典音樂專輯獎,入圍2010年『華語金曲獎』最佳古典音樂演奏專輯獎 。

Music Director & Conductor / Che-Yi Lee

Born in Kaohsiung, Che-Yi Lee has composed about 2,000 works and arranged nearly 5,000 works of various types. His works include musical theater, dance drama, stage play, all kinds of cross-border theater, children's drama, film and TV commercial soundtracks. Since the beginning of his professional career, he has conducted more than 2,000 performances and has composed songs, arrangements, and soundtracks for hundreds of professional performing groups, both at home and abroad. He has also performed at dozens of international arts festivals and has produced about 90 albums. He has been nominated for the Golden Melody Awards 29 times and won the Best Composer Award at the 23rd Golden Melody Awards and won the Best Creation Award at the 27th Golden Melody Awards. He was awarded the "Best Annual Dance Music Award" by the "Hong Kong Dance Awards" in 2015, won the Best Classical Music Album Award of "China’s Top Ten Hot Records" twice, and was one of the finalists in the 2010 "Chinese Golden Melody Award" for the Best Classical Music Album Award.




2018年活動主持紀錄摘要:文化部文化資產局無形文化資產講堂、家扶基金會家扶兒童感恩音樂會「看見」、 宜蘭國際藝術主席聯合會開幕式、臺灣純絃「戲說‧純絃」音樂會、宜蘭綠色博覽會主、丟丟銅蘭城國際音樂節開幕音樂會及國慶晚會。


Host / Han-Yang Chang

Born in Tainan, Hang-Yang Chang is the producer and host of the Radio Show “When the Music knocks the Door” of the Cheng-Sheng Broadcasting Corp. He is also the director of the Cheng-Sheng Broadcasting Corp. in Taichung. Mr. Chang won 13 Golden Bell Awards and 7 Culture Bell Awards. He also won the best News Report Presenter of the Rotary News Golden Wheel Award hold by the Rotary in Taiwan. Mr. Chang is also invited as the host for many events such as the concert of Taiwan Pure Strings, The Yi-Lan Green Expo, Yi-Lan International Arts Festival, and Taiwan National Day party.


灣聲樂團One Song Orchestra

1、成立初衷 Intention

2017年二月臺灣音樂舞台上出現了一個專門演出臺灣音樂作品的樂團「灣聲樂團One Song Orchestra」,這個樂團是由企業家雷輝先生發起,由臺灣新一代作曲家現任音樂總監李哲藝Lee, Che-Yi所創辦。李哲藝,曾獲臺灣傳統藝術類金曲獎最佳作曲人、最佳創作人的獎項,是一位全方位的音樂創作者。李哲藝多年來參與了許多國際音樂藝術節的演出,足跡遍及世界數十國,深深感受到「自身文化」在音樂情感中扮演的角色有多麼重要,於是在累積了超過廿多年的音樂製作、編曲與作曲的經驗之外,親自號召了臺灣許多優秀演奏家成立了灣聲樂團。


The One Song Orchestra of Taiwan is founded by Lee, Che-Yi, a new generation of Taiwanese composer. Mr. Lee is the winner of the Best Composer and the Best Creator of the Golden Melody Awards – Traditional Music Category. He is a composer without boundaries. Che-Yi Lee has participated in numerous international music festivals for years and his footprints can be traced all over the world. He is deeply conscious of how important the role of one’s own cultural background is in making music. With over two decades of experience in composition, arrangement and production, Mr. Lee decides to persuade the outstanding performers in Taiwan to establish the One Song Orchestra.


2、 理念與價值Concept & Value



The One Song Orchestra performs two types of music. One is the creation of Taiwanese composers’ and the other is the music work which are inspired by the Taiwanese cultural elements. The mission of the Orchestra is to enrich classical music with

Taiwanese culture and to revitalize the Taiwanese music with classical music practice. The members of the One Song Orchestra are excellent young musicians who have received solid classical training. Each member has profound love in promoting the

originality of Taiwanese music. We hope that our remarkable music is not only appreciated in Taiwan, but also touches the heart of global audience. Let the young musicians of the One Song Orchestra share the beauty of the sounds from Taiwan with

you all.