《八 八》



 演出簡介 Introduction

舞蹈 x 電子樂 x 擊樂 x 裝置 




Dance x Electronic Music x Percussion x Installation

2019 Cadence Festival

2020 Yokohama Dance Collection

18th Taishin Arts Award Performing Arts” Finalist

Tainan Arts Festival 2020 is to feature an updated version of Deluge, to be performed in an informal theatre space surrounded by magnificent old trees.

The events of the Eight-Eight Flood are revisited through the medium of modern dance. Deluge narrates a solemn sacrifice to the forgotten souls lost in the tragedy, offers a reflection on the concepts of existence and disappearance, as well as a bow of gratitude towards the land and its spirit.


《八 八》是一首融合當代舞蹈、現場電子樂/聲音、現場擊樂、舞台裝置為一體的作品,也是一首關於真實災難的敘事,將實事、田野訪察及臺灣民間信仰祭儀透過當代創作將其轉化,講述2009年發生在臺灣中南部深山的一場大洪水,一場超度無主孤魂的肅穆祭祀,關於存在與消逝的反思,對土地、生靈的感念及感激。人們對自然無情的言不由衷與無助,一切無論是有形既或是無形的,然而這則故事很嚴肅但也很動人。

Deluge is a cross-over performance, one featuring modern dance, electronic music, live percussion, and on-stage installations. It is also a narrative on real disasters, a transformation of factual events, field research, and Taiwanese folk beliefs and legends through the medium of contemporary art. Deluge is a narration of the great flood of 2009 which swept over central and southern Taiwan. A solemn sacrifice to the souls lost in the tragedy who had no one to remember their names. A reflection on existence and disappearance. An expression of gratitude towards the land and its spirit. Through it, we come face to face with our helplessness in the face of nature’s cruelty and its devastating effects—both physical and emotional. Although severe in its tone, this is a performance also motivating in its message. 


 製作團隊 Production Team



《下沉的世界》、《紅頭裡的金烏雲薦》、《八 八》、《一個不存在的身體》、《沒有人記得的事》。作品在臺灣受邀及發表於「2020臺南藝術節」、「2020相遇舞蹈節-共創」、「2019相遇舞蹈節-共感」、「2019三十沙龍」,也受邀及演出在國外多個相關展演平台,如西班牙、斯洛維尼亞、南韓、日本、香港、中國、澳門等。作品《八 八》也在2020年獲第18屆台新藝術獎表演藝術類年度入圍作品,以及2019年《紅頭裡的金烏雲薦》於西班牙、《沒有人記得的事》於南韓獲獎。
LIN Ting-Syu Studio    

LIN Ting-Syu Studio was established in 2019 by LIN Ting-Syu. The group endeavors to be the publication platform for Taiwanese contemporary dance and cross-over, cross-media artistic works at international art festivals. The studio’s works delve into Taiwanese folk culture, drawing inspiration from the grassroots materials. We had brought our works not only to Taiwanese audiences, but also to the spectators at several overseas art festivals.  ​


編創者 | 林廷緒

Choreographer|LIN Ting-Syu

製作人 | 楊舒涵

Executive Producer|YANG Shu-Han

表演者 | 文韻筑、陳欣瑜、趙怡瑩、周金源(大武壠族後裔,八八風災倖存者)

Performers|WEN Yun-Chu、CHEN Hsin-Yu、CHAO Yi-Ying、CHOU Chin-Yuan (survivor of Siaolin Village, Taivoan descendant)

音樂設計暨音樂統籌 / 現場音樂暨電子樂演出 | 顏晟文

Sound Designer and Music Supervisor / Live Sound|YAN Sheng-Wen

擊樂設計 / 現場演出 | 洪于雯

Percussionist / Live Sound|HUNG Yu-Wen

燈光設計暨技術統籌 | 邱品學

Lighting Designer and Technical Supervisor|CHIU Pin-Shueh

舞台設計 | 趙鈺涵

Set Designer|ZHAO Yu-Han

舞台監督 | 陳昭郡

Stage Manager|CHEN Chao-Chun

文宣設計 | 許銘文

Graphic Designer|HSU Ming-Wen

劇照攝影 | 李欣哲

Still Photographer|LEE Hsin-Che

演出錄影 | 陳冠宇

On-set Videographer|CHEN Kuan-Yu

宣傳票務 | 李名恩

Publicity and Ticketing Manager|LEE Ming-En​


注意事項 Notice


11/13(五)、11/14(六)演出接駁車服務: 17:30 新營火車站 - 鹽水舊車站倉庫 19:40 鹽水舊車站倉庫 - 新營火車站

需憑當日演出票卷免費搭乘。 每班車可容納人數43人,無需提前登記,採先到先上車,額滿為止。


*To protect yourself and others against the spread of COVID-19, please wear a mask during the performance and maintain social distancing. Also please cooperate with all epidemic prevention measures inside the performance area.  ​

Free shuttle bus on 13th and 14th Nov. :

17:30 Xinying Train Station to Performance Site

19:40 Performance Site to Xinying Train Station

Passengers are required to hold the valid performance ticket of the same date.

Shuttle bus capacity: 43 persons, first-come, first-serve basis.