
Riverbed theatre"As we are"

■ 演出簡介





Just for you: as we are

“If we could see ourselves as we really are, life would be insupportable.”  Joe Gould

It’s a mysterious phenomenon that has puzzled scientists for hundreds of year. When we sing in the shower, our voices are clear, bright, and strong like those of our favorite singers, but when we listen to a recording of us singing, we discover a monumental gap between our actual voice and our perception of it. While we all know and accept this truism, what we don’t realize is that it is true for almost every aspect of our lives. We see ourselves as moral and honorable and upright beings, we focus on the details that glimmer and shine, ignoring the recesses of darkness, the things we do, say or think when no one is watching. And during those rare moments when we actually pause to reflect on who or what we are, we tend to examine ourselves through a lens that could only generously be described as fuzzy or out of focus. Our flesh is weak, our desires wander, and we live in the uncertain shadow of death. To peer at ourselves clearly, to see ourselves as we are, would be unbearable. So we dim the lights and look away.

But, of course, there is also an undeniable beauty and joy to living: the crispness of cool air on a fall morning, the warm familiarity of a lover’s hand, the immense wonder of our ability to dream and think and cry and laugh and remember. The world is so overwhelmingly beautiful that we tend to forget to notice the sunrise and blue skies and twinkling stars, we tend to get lost in the busyness of our commutes and our work and our troubles. When do we ever stop and notice? When do we ever pause and give thanks for the ephemeral wonder of our existence?

as we are is a performative exploration of these two paradoxical truths. It is a mirror that we hold up to the entirety of our human experience. as we are is the next stage of Riverbed Theatre’s acclaimed “Just for You” series of performances. Staged for an audience of one person, this production provides the audience with a moment of direct intimacy, of contact and communion. The performance blurs the boundary between spectator and spectacle and immerses the audience in the immediacy of the sensory experience.

■ 演出團隊簡介



Riverbed Theatre

Riverbed Theatre was founded in 1998 in Taipei, Taiwan. The company’s image-based, Total Theatre productions blur the boundaries between visual and performing arts. Critics have praised the organic, sculptural quality of Riverbed’s “subconscious” theatre, likening the perform to the best works of Samuel Beckett and David Lynch. Riverbed has participated in festivals and events recently including:

2015 Wei Wu Ying Arts Festival (Kaohsiung)
2015 On Site Arts Festival (Taipei)
2015 Avignon Off Theatre Festival (Avignon)
2014 International Theatre Festival (Taipei)
2013 Asian Biennale (Taichung)
2013 True Illusion, Illusionary Truth Exhibition (Taipei)

Riverbed has also participated in exhibitions at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan Museum of Art, Kaohsiung Museum of Art, and Eslite Gallery. 

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