
Goodoo Studio“Taiwan's Legend : Ripple Of War”

■ 演出簡介



來到大員之後的陳澤捲入鄭家內鬥,政敵遊說鄭經,要臥病在床的陳澤,參與海上作戰。君要臣死,臣不死不忠,就算是死在海上,也算死得其所。陳澤強忍身體的痛苦,戰到最後一刻, 終於換得勝戰,他挺直身體直到船靠岸,他倒了下來,耳畔仿佛還聽到郭蕊對他的叮嚀,自此陳澤再也沒回來了……

On Xia Liao Street, in Quan Zhou city, a gang of bandits harassed a woman. Chen Ze and his group came by and helped her. Chen Ze and the woman got married afterwards. Chen then joined the party of Zheng Zhi Long, who taught him how to do business. Zheng realized that the Ming Dynasty would soon collapse, so he surrendered to the Ching Dynasty. However, he was imprisoned. Chen started his life on the sea by following Zheng’s family army.

The war continued and Zheng Cheng-Gong ran out of food and money. Taking the advice of He Bin, Zheng planned to expel the Dutchmen from Da Yuan, where they were going to build a new base.

After coming to Da Yuan, a political rival of Chen Ze persuaded Zheng Jing to send him to battle on the sea. Chen fought to the last minute and won the battle. He kept his body upright and waited until the ship moored and then he blacked out. Somehow he seemed to be able to hear those caring words from Guo Rui, and he never came back…

■ 演出團隊簡介

劇團創立於 2010 年,以深耕臺南為主要方向,「傳統、創新、傳承」一直是古都的經營理念,致力於開發更多以在地故事為主的新劇本,扎根地方。


2014 年至今連續4年獲傑出演藝團隊殊榮,並多次入選臺南藝術節城市舞臺演出計畫,包括《府城傳奇──靖海狼煙》分別於延平郡王祠及大南門以環境劇場形式演出,2017 年《宅門內的邂逅──心海迷蹤》於陳德聚堂演出,透過真人及舞臺劇般的戲偶,虛實創新的印象深刻留在民眾心中,獲國外雜誌編輯好評。

Founded in 2010, Goodoo Studio, aims to nurture and flourish the long history and culture of Tainan. "Tradition, Innovation, Inheritance" has always been the philosophy of the group. It is dedicated to make more new productions based on local stories, thus making itself firmly rooted in the land.

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