古典音樂總監 沈妤霖- 音樂是城市靈魂的竅殼


2019 年,臺南藝術節再為臺南引入更多元的聲音,通過不同時期、風格、文化的音樂,拼貼 出臺南的文化新面孔。藝術是城市的靈魂,而音樂是城市靈魂的竅殼,體現了城市與時代。 在藝術節內,每個節目都是一個城,等待觀眾前來攀登、暸望、逡巡與相遇。

今年臺南藝術節中我們策劃的五個音樂節目,冀望藉由全新製作的節目編排,探討「城市」 的複合意象,並將古典音樂及作品納入臺南的肌理,連結世界藝術與臺南的脈動。幾乎所有 製作都是臺南藝術節的原創,不僅首次在臺灣演出,也僅在臺南演出。

《繁花之城 : 動琴盛開 Music Fabric》由首次訪臺,擁有 155 年光輝歷史的匈牙利杰爾愛樂 樂團揭開華麗序幕,兼具匈牙利民謠精神的匈牙利音樂選粹與俄派炫技的精妙結合,創造高 潮迭起的花火,兩首向帕格尼尼致敬的鍵盤鉅作並列更是臺灣首見,整場音樂基調絢麗奔放, 而由匈牙利樂團演奏匈牙利重量級的音樂作品,更見匈牙利文化的精髓。

《泥香之城 : 臺灣意象 Taiwan Expression》則由臺灣第一個只演奏本土音樂的灣聲樂團呈 現,納入原住民歌曲、臺南作曲家精選、鄧雨賢作品精選、民歌、臺灣電影音樂及臺灣近代創 作音樂,完整地展出臺灣音樂歷史的曼妙紋路,讓臺灣民謠結合古典的音樂層次更上一層樓。

《輝宏之城 : 極致樂音 Classic ECHO》邀請到傳統及創新並具,有「世界第一室內樂團」美 譽的慕尼黑室內樂團來到府城,演奏古典樂派的經典。德奧一向為古典樂的中心,獨特的人 文歷史孕育出最為純正而潔淨的古典樂音,慕尼黑樂團擅長以最適切的樂團編制、絲絨般精 緻音色成功演繹貝多芬、舒伯特等古典作品,頂尖音質與完全演奏深受樂迷青睞;再搭上英 國大提琴家名家伊瑟利斯極富特色與說服力的音樂語彙及音色,重現古典樂派的極致風光。

《時光之城:流影之聲 Time After Time》由府城三位音樂家所組成的 Trio Bellissimo 室 內樂集呈現,以輕鬆美好的鋼琴三重奏,演繹不同城市意象的經典名家曲目,展示座座性格 殊異卻同樣動人的城市,在時光中的片刻流影。

《狂歡之城 : 開心樂園 The HAPPY CONCERT》是由風靡全球的古典駭客二人組搭配國立 臺南藝術大學音樂系管弦樂團,更是以全新製作在臺首演,並史無前例的搭檔學生樂團共同 演出,為南部的音樂教育往前再跨進一步。青春無限,我們用音樂狂歡,畫下完美句點。

臺南藝術節的古典音樂類節目這三年來以貫徹其原創、精緻及實驗的策展精神,不斷力求突 破,希望能藉由自由新穎的編排、展示音樂,豐富城市的文化靈魂。古典樂是歷史、美感與文 化所孕育而成的珍珠,在聆賞音樂時,我們的靈魂被包裹、洗滌、揉合、創造。在古典與創 新的交融之中,音樂體現城市,而城市既是我們也是他者,音樂有千萬張面孔,我們因而遠颺, 因而相遇。

-古典音樂總監 沈妤霖

【Music is a Body for the Urban Soul】


This year, Tainan Arts Festival brings a diverse program of sounds to the city. Encompassing various periods, styles and cultures, the festival puts together a new cultural look of Tainan. As the arts are the soul of the city, music is the body of its soul and the embodiment of the city and time. At the Tainan Arts Festival, every program is a city, waiting to meet the audience as they climb up, look around and explore it.

In this year’s Tainan Arts Festival, I have curated five original concerts that aim to look into the multiple images of the city through this brand-new program. I blend classical music into Tainan, connecting the city to the arts on the international stage. Almost all the productions are made for the Tainan Arts Festival, and they are performed not only for the first time in Taiwan but in Tainan only.


Music Fabric - the music program begins with Győr Philharmonic Orchestra, an orchestra with 155 years’ history from Hungary. This is their first visit to Taiwan, and the program combines the spirit of the Hungarian folk music with demonstration of the brilliant skills of the Russian school. The two piano pieces, as homage to Paganini, are performed in the same concert in Taiwan for the first time. From beginning to end, the music is colorful and passionate while the essence of the Hungarian music is vividly conveyed through a Hungarian orchestra.


Taiwan Expression - a concert by One Song Orchestra with a focus on Taiwanese music. The selection includes the songs of Taiwanese aboriginal tribes, the music composed by the composers based in Tainan and the renowned Taiwanese composer TENG Yu-hsien, Taiwanese folk songs, Taiwanese movie soundtracks and the contemporary Taiwanese music. The program shows the complete history of Taiwanese music and pushes the Taiwanese folk music combined with the classical music to a higher level.


Classic ECHO - Munich Chamber Orchestra, a traditional and yet innovative orchestra that is celebrated as the world No. 1 in chamber music, performs a repertoire of classics from the Classical period. Germany and Austria have always been the center of classical music as their unique culture nurtured the purest classical music in history. With the most appropriate ensemble, Munich Chamber Orchestra is known for their delicate, silky and beautiful renditions of Beethoven and Schubert. The top quality of their performance has won them acclaim from the audience around the world. Together with British cellist Steven Isserlis’ persuasive musical language, they reenact the glory of the Classical period.


Time After Time - Trio Bellissimo, a piano trio comprises three musicians from Tainan, plays the classics that convey the images of various cities captured in time, showing the different and yet equally charming qualities of these places.


The HAPPY CONCERT - a collaboration between the duo Igudesman & Joo and the TNNUA Orchestra. It is not only the Taiwanese premiere of the new production but the first time that the duo plays with a student orchestra, pushing the music education in Southern Taiwan a step forward. Let us together celebrate youthful creativity and the festivity of music.


During past three years, the Tainan Arts Festival has consistently put forth an original, refined and experimental music program. By seeking one breakthrough after another, we aim to demonstrate music with our liberal and innovative arrangement, enriching the culture and the soul of the city. Classical music is a pearl nurtured by history, beauty and culture. While listening to music, our souls are wrapped, washed, blended and created. In the mixture of the classical and the innovative, music embodies the city, which represents us as well as all others. Music has millions of faces and as a result, we sometimes run away and sometimes bump into each other.

Director of Music Program

Eva Yulin Shen