局長的話 】

春去秋來,今年的藝術節特別不一樣!與雙十慶典同步展開的 2019 第八屆臺南藝術節,將顛 覆您過往對於藝術節的想像。今年藝術節我們首採策展機制,特聘專業策展人制定年度主題, 並邀請國內外藝術團隊駐點臺南、彼此激盪。從 10 月 9 日至 11 月 10 日的一個月間,我們誠 摯邀請您與我們出走臺南的山、海、巷弄與傳統劇場間,穿越「看不見的城市」,進行一場 藝術心靈之旅。

從 2012 年開始,7 年來臺南藝術節累積了豐沛的創作能量,讓臺南「城市即舞臺、無處不藝 術」,來到小大人年紀的轉折點,我們持續自忖:還能創造出怎樣不同的藝術節?為此,我 們邀請身兼策展人、評論人、譯者多重身分的周伶芝,與其號召組成的策展團隊群共同討論, 擘劃全新視野的「城市藝術節」:以城市為主體、由藝術領路,帶領群眾走訪我們原以為再 熟悉不過的臺南。

今年,臺南藝術節不再侷限於「國際經典」、「臺灣精湛」、「城市舞臺」三大分類,而是 以其為養分,深入臺南的山、海、城,邀請來自國內外的藝術家與在地空間、人文做對話, 由環境中滋長出作品。由臺南表演藝術團隊領軍的劇場演出當然不會缺席,2016 年起推動的 評論計畫,則針對藝術節進行更深層次的討論。「國際共創」、「現地製作」、「臺南自造」 以及「評論思辯」,正是「2019 臺南藝術節」承先啟後的四大亮點。

臺南是本土藝術最活躍的實驗溫床。近兩年縱橫於臺北世大運、臺中花博的豪華朗機工,早 前即已於 2014 月津港燈節創作出「日光域」大型裝置藝術,本次他們將於 10 月 9 日開幕當 晚於億載金城推出《(X _ X)府城流水席》,電光舞臺上的炫麗演出,宛若一場華美夢境, 帶您回望古都身世。

今年臺南藝術節不只道地、也更加國際!包括印尼、澳門、丹麥、烏茲別克及加拿大等 5 國 藝術家與在地藝術人的共同創作,以及匈牙利、德國及奧地利等 3 國的音樂演出,來自 9 國 近百場的演出及跨國專業論壇,翻轉藝文思維、更加耳目一新!秋季全新登場的 2019 臺南藝術節,萬事俱備、就缺您這位貴賓!

台南市文化局 局長 葉澤山

From Director-General of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City】

This year, autumn arrives with a very special edition of the Tainan Arts Festival. Starting on October 9th, the festival will change your impression of what an arts festival can be. We have adopted a curatorially driven approach, appointing extinguished curators to direct this year’s thematic edition. In addition, we have also invited many artists and art groups from Taiwan and abroad to come share their ideas with each other. From October 9th to November 10th, Tainan Art Festival sincerely welcomes you to join us on a journey through the city—its mountains, coastlines, alleyways and theatre spaces—to nourish our hearts and minds with arts and culture.

Since 2012, the Tainan Arts Festival has accumulated abundant creative energy, turning the city into an exciting stage for the arts. For every edition, we challenge ourselves with new ideas for the festival. This year, we have invited CHOW Ling-chih, a curator, critic and translator, and her team to plan a brand-new city arts festival from a unique viewpoint. Set in Tainan and guided by the arts, the festival hopes to engage the public in rediscovering a city we assume we know so well.

In 2019, the Tainan Arts Festival departs from its prior structure of International Classics, Taiwan Glamour and City Stage. We look deep into the mountains, the seas and the diverse spaces of the city. Local and international artists engage with aspects of local culture while developing and creating their work in Tainan. The festival this year features four new programs, namely “International Collaboration”, “Site-specific”, “Made in Tainan” and “Critical Thinking,” while maintaining its ongoing showcase of local theatre group performances and art criticism debates initiated in 2016.

Tainan is known as an experimental creative hub for Taiwanese artists. In 2014, art collective LuxuryLogico presented an impressionable installation at the Yuejin Lantern Festival in Tainan. The collective has frequently partaken in large-scale, international events such as the Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade and the 2018 Taichung World Floral Exposition. This year, LuxuryLogico returns again to Tainan with a thrilling performance, (X_X)Flowing Feast, which debuts at the opening night of the Tainan Arts Festival. Set in a dreamlike ambience, viewers will be guided through stories of old Tainan.

In addition to promoting the highlights of local culture, 2019 Tainan Arts Festival also includes an extensive international repertoire of almost a hundred performances from nine countries, including co-productions between the Taiwanese artists and their counterparts from Indonesia, Macau, Demark, Uzbekistan and Canada; concerts by musicians from Hungary, Germany and Austria; as well as forums participated by professionals from all over the world. We hope not only to inspire new ways of thinking in the arts but also offer fresh viewpoints about the city. The 2019 Tainan Arts Festival is ready to begin and we look forward to your participation!

Tse-Shan, Yeh