
Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company“To Be Present Or Not”Immersive Dance Theater

■ 演出簡介

本演出為浸潤式劇場形式,讓觀眾從置身事外的觀賞者轉而成為身歷其境參與作品發展的影響者之一,在演出當中和專業舞者一同完成作品。《不‧在場》創作概念即在探討我們透過時間及空間所感覺、感受、感知與感官的「表象世界」是否真如我們所認知的那樣?在所處的時間與空間當下,我們所觸及經驗到的人事物是否果真存在於當下?要介入事件多少才能被界定是在場或不在場?在場,是身體實體狀態的在現場?還是只是精神無形狀態的在現場?稻草人舞團舞者將在台南老爺行旅 The Place Tainan其中一層飯店樓層裡,帶領觀眾進入三間分別由編舞家羅文瑾與光雕動畫藝術家徐志銘、纖維裝置藝術家曾啟庭、視覺裝置藝術家羅文君、聲音創作藝術家陳明澤所設計打造的魔幻客房,共同經歷「在場與不在場」的特殊觀舞與表演體驗。

As an immersive theatre, the performance transforms the audience from outsiders to participants; therefore, the audience take part in and complete the work with professional dancers. "To Be Present or Not" is discussing about the eternal topic of existence and presence.

Should presence be defined physically or mentally? The audience will be led by the dancers of Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company, take part in the performance and experience three magical rooms decorated by choreographer Lo Wen-chun, projection mapping artist Hsu Chih-ming and fiber installation artist on a certain floor in The Place Tainan.


■ 演出團隊簡介


Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company has received grants from the Ministry of Culture since 2007. The founder of the troupe is Atayal dancer Ku Chiu-mei. Its art director since 1998 is Lo Wen-chin who received a master degree in dance from University of Illinois. Its executive director and producer is Lo Wen-chun who received a master degree from Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Art, National Kaohsiung Normal University. They lead the company together, actively explore the possibility of contemporary dance with theatre related art professionals. They aim to break through the existing ways of choreography, the concept of performance and production module. Its productions show its experimental spirit as well as the pursuit of exquisite and excellence. 

■ 演出資訊


■ 演出資訊洽詢





Facebook:稻草人現代舞團 Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company
